It’s a quadfecta! Four Articles Published Jan 2015

It’s the best month ever! I have four articles published this month and it is absolutely amazing to me that I was able to meet so many deadlines! It takes time to create an idea worth writing about and that hasn’t been written about recently, pitch it to an editor–not just any editor, but the perfect editor for your sTory, then wait endlessly to receive the news it’s okay to write the article and then you research your subject matter in-depth, find images that will make your article shine, and whew! … All this is done before one word of the article is even written.
In fact, I don’t even start an article until I have the first sentence in my mind and that’s usually all of eight words, maybe 10. I might walk around for days trying to figure out how to start an article but then when it finally comes to me, I sit down and begin to write and I don’t stop until I have my first draft. Sometimes, I know exactly how I want to begin and I just start writing and for that I’m always thankful.
Most stories take me three or four drafts. I begin with about 4000 words of research which include interviews with my main source and maybe one or two other sources. For instance, I wrote about natural skin care companies in Denver County and I called the owner of each company to get a quote; each one is considered a “source”. Sources make your stories so much richer. People like to read what other people think. They want to know how a person feels. So I always include quotes in my articles.
Lately, infographics have become important so I’m also gathering images of people, products and places for my stories so the creative director can make the whole story shine.
I love to write and I always have. I’d love to write for you.
Tender Loving Skin Care Cherry Creek Lifestyle Magazine
Tender Loving Skin Care Boulder County Lifestyle Magazine
Tender Loving Skin Care Boulder Lifestyle Magazine
Historic Alps Boulder County Inn Boulder Lifestyle