Writer’s Market The Most Trusted Guide to Getting Published

How to Find or Buy
The Writer’s Market is available for purchase online through a number of eCommerce sites, including Amazon. The pricier version of this book includes an online code you can use to activate an online account to do searches online rather than with the hard copy of the book. Online searches facilitate results as the search results are keyword sensitive. I love this method, who wouldn’t? I believe I’ve also seen just the code sold without the book so that’s another option.
The Writer’s Market is available in the reference section of the library and it’s free there so check it out before ordering and be sure it’s the right book for you. It updates yearly and continually adds new content.
If you don’t feel you need the book, visit the site directly and view informative articles and consider subscribing to their super informative newsletter. The website also offers a monthly subscription if you want to do searches for publishers, literary agents, editors, publicists, media outlets and more.
I recommend this book because in the words of Barbara O’Neal, “Every writer needs a toolbox filled with craft, a drop of talent, and hop.” and Writer’s Market offers all that and more. The book is loaded with current articles on how to find and manage work, how to balance your writing, how to promote your work, improve presentation skills, write a book proposal, pitch a publisher and it even has a section on submitting your work for contests and awards.
Give it a whirl and let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks! Jules